General information about the company and responsibilities
Cirdan as is a company with its head office in Norway and branch office in Sweden. The company's board consists of owners and senior employees who have good insight into the day-to-day operations. The company has prepared responsibility plans for the employees which, in addition to specific work tasks, contain requirements for ethical behavior both in terms of the internal working environment, health and safety, as well as the relationship with our customers and suppliers and our impact on the environment.
Cirdan's employees
Our employees are employed on written employment agreements that satisfy the respective country's requirements according to law. Everyone has the right to organize themselves if they wish. Annual staff meetings are held, and the company's management implements changes as necessary.
Cirdan's impact on the environment
Cirdan is a trading company, and our daily operations do not pollute the external environment. We strive to burden the environment as little as possible in terms of waste and energy use. Examples of measures are reusing packaging and heating the premises with modern and efficient heat pumps. Cirdan sorts the waste at source in collaboration with Ragn-Sells. Cirdan is a member of Grønt Punkt Norge.
Cirdan's suppliers
Cirdan's suppliers are international manufacturers of world-leading brands, mainly from Australia and the USA. Our requirement for them is that they follow their country's laws when it comes to the working environment and internal conditions. The products sold must be approved for sale in the EU. Cirdan examines existing and potential suppliers through physical visits and through ongoing references.
Economic circumstances
Our internal regulations state that no employee may receive inappropriate gifts or benefits from our suppliers. We also do not provide any such benefits to our customers. Personnel prices and/or demonstration products or other benefits to customers must be agreed with the company's management. We do not influence decisions towards our customers to any extent other than purely business agreements.